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Conventional Flash Light

<< Conventional Fire Alarm System << Conventional Flash Light

Code : AW-CFL2166

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The product is fire flashing lights, a fire alarm device, generally used in public areas. In the event of an emergency situation is controlled by the alarm controller to trigger flashes, warning people to fire.

Flash fire inside a 24V DC LED lights, 24V DC triggered by flashing LED lights set to issue an alarm signal, current, long life, high reliability.

Fire flash matching specialty products for fire alarm and linkage system, when the system confirm the fire broke out by linkage control device, an alarm signal to the scene.

  • AW-CFL2166-O Orange Flash Light
  • AW-CFL2166-R Red Flash Light
  • AW-CFL2166-B Blue Flash Light
  • AW-CFL2166-G Green Flash Light